Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Noah Ryan: 15 Months

Weight: 25 lbs
Height: 30 ish inches?
Nursing: Like a Champ
Teeth: All Front top and bottom and has 4 molars
Sleeping: Lol
Sign language: You sign for "More" "Nurse" "All done" "please" "I don't know" And that's pretty much all we need. It's amazing how easy signing has made things for us. Instead of whining I know that he needs something, and it helps keep the situation calm.
Words: Thank You, Mama, Dada, Papa, Nana, Buck, Rachael, Hi, Bye, No, Clock, Ball, Book, Bath, CRACKER, Turtle, Shoes, Rock, Hat, Hello, Helper, Dishes, Blue, Hot,
CRACKER>>>>> its all about the cracker. He dreams about the cracker. I know this becasue he cries "Cracker" in his sleep as if someone stole the earthly supply. Its  a.d.o.r.a.b.l.e
DANCE PARTIES!!  his utmost favorite thing in this world. This kid can literally dance for hours. Prayers be with he who turn the music off, just saying......
FOODS: He loves Blueberries, frozen Ezekiel bread? Sweet potatoes, Avacados, Quinoa, apples. And he has been eating everything that we eat since he started on solids. Baby Loves his food.
At 15 months he is our little muscle man. Bench pressing futons as he let's out little lifting grunts. He challenges hismself to anything that looks heavy, its just too funny.
He has  started to use the potty this past month and is pretty darn good at it so far. We usually ask if he has to go "poo poo," after dinner and he runs to the bathroom yelling "pa poo pa poo."
After he goes, he almost always request a bath. Like father like son. I know he is pretty young to potty train, we are more like getting him used to it so that when we do start, he will already be somewhat farmiliar.
Sometimes I feel like he is just too smart. Im sure every parent thinks that about their child but Im amazed at how much he understands. If I ask him to throw something away or give this to daddy or to go put this in the bathroom, he listen's and does exactly what we say..
He is just soooooo funny! Something he has done since he could crawl is the peek a boo. Aunt Louey has done this with him since he was a baby. But not just the peek a boo. I often walk into a room and am surprised by the cutest baby head popping up from behind a chair or table with a cute little chuckle before he sinks back into hiding, only to pop up again a few seconds later. I can't get enough of that one.  
Animal noises.....His favorite thing is animal noises. So far he can do cat, dog, monkey, owl, wolf, elephant, sheep, horse, duck, cow, shark, fish,
It's all about the HAT-A (hat) He loves them. Sometimes requesting to wear them to bed and wake up wearing them while he eats breakfast. I think it's because he knows he looks so cute. We all awwww and ahhh over him in them and I think that carried on.
I can tell he is going to be a nature lover. Maybe it's just because it is newer to him but he loves to be outside. Many of the tantrums that he has thrown so far have been after asking him to come in from outside. I still have to carry him to get into the car because if those size fives touch the concrete it's over for mama and our plans that day.
He is pretty much too cool for sippy cups and high chairs. When given the option he will choose the big boy cup and the dinner table.
Littleman loves his Dada. These two together just makes me melt. Nothing is better than having a loving husband for you babies.
DISLIKES: Blankets, clothes and jackets touching his wrists, highchairs, wet hair, going to bed.
LIKES: Lifting heavy objects, Biting noses, crackers, being outside, doing the DISHES! He will play in the sink doing the "dishes" for hours if we let him. And he loves being a "helper." If we are cleaning he says "helper" and wants to join in. I will be reminding him of his "dishes" obsession
when he is 16.
He can point out his nose, ears, eyes, head and toes if you ask him and he knows the color blue!
His smile, his giggle, his run, oh my goodness. Sometimes it will stop me dead in my tracks and I have to catch my breath. How is he a toddler already? How did this time go so fast.
Here's to 15 months and many many more my little man. I love you more than anything.

Morning hair, mommies favorite
Littleman and his Aunt Louey, besties..
Mamma Kisses

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