My hubby and I. My best friend. I love this man.
I was 17. Young and in Love as they say. We met at church, wwcg. I thought the girl that he always came with was his sister. My little sister always called her ramen noodle hair girl because, well, her hair looked like Ramen. Turns out she was his gf. Ha. That part is not relevant though, just funny. Anyway, at that time I was too cool for church so I didn't even really know Brandon and would see him on weekends when my mom would make me attend. My sisters and my mom were all friends with him though. Fast forward a few years and I decided to go to church camp. He was a counselor and in the worship band but I don't really remember seeing him much. (he is still very upset about that ;)
After church camp that year I started going to youth group again. Brandon was one of the youth pastors. Hahah, I know right? creeper. No it was totally innocent and legal kids, don't worry. Anyway, at that time I was actually 17 and I think he was 21. I don't even remember how exactly we started hanging but we became pretty inseparable. At that time he had a crush on a girl at another church. My sister and I would take him shopping and do his hair, all in hopes of him getting this girl.
That went on for a few months and I specifically remember the instant that I realized I liked him. We went to a David Crowder (love) concert with said girl. I drove with Brandon and we met her there. We were enjoying the concert, yada yada and then they ran off somewhere or another to get something, yadda.
As I sat there by myself, lame, I couldn't help this pang of jealousy. What the hell, where did that girl go with my friend. Haha! And I guess it just hit me, oh wow, I def. like this kid. A lot.
I remember the first movie he asked me to see. Saw I. ahahahah. I am the biggest baby. Like, I may have "seen" paranormal activity, but I didn't actually see it. I can't even really tell you what it was about. I was just trying to impress him, ya know? Turns out, he thought it was cute to keep seeing each new SAW that came out because it was like OUR movie. I was like, can you please Stop making these creepy movies already! Why did there have to be 8 million of them.
Anyway, I remember one night on the phone I was sitting on my sister's bed talking to B. Chit chat, etc. And then he told me that I was his Best Friend. (Heart sinks) "Your my bf too!" And not too far after that we were a couple. My mom always said she would never have let me date him if she didn't know him since he was so old. ha. So that was in 2004. And Love it was.
Fast forward many years of fun, traveling, kissing, dreaming, and plain old life. We took a trip to Colorado in September 2008. The flight was horrible. B will tell you there were grass stains on the bottom of the plane but you really can't trust the guy because he was just drunk. You see I thought that I hated flying. Tables were turned and that happened to be the first and most likely last flight we will take together. His nervousness just made me more nervous and I wanted to drink but he was drunk but one of us had to be sober so we could save each other after the plane crashed, ya know?
Anyway, we made it there safely. It was beautiful. And I won't bore you with the mushy details. Wait, yes I will B had plans to take me to Rocky Mtn. National park but turned out the roads were closed because of snow. Before we had left for this trip B told me that he read about a list of songs that you should listen too whilst gazing out at the mountains. I was pretty excited and he has made a playlist for us. We stopped off on the side of the road to look at this amazing view that was ahead of us. B pulled out his ipod and let me listen to the songs he was telling me about. The first song was Switchfoot, "dare you to move." He wasn't kidding. It was the most surreal feeling just gazing at these massive pieces of land covered in snow and having the sun beam on you at the same time. It was like a soundtrack to your life in real life. I felt like I should have been running with a gold medal or something.
Then something happened. The song faded and the adorable innocent voice of my hubby came into the speakers. I won't type out all of the mushies that were said but think of the sweetest most amazing thing anyone has ever said to you. It was kinda like that. I started balling. I wasn't 100% sure what was going on but I was just overflowing with emotions. Toward the end he said something like, " I can't think of a better place to do this..." and I froze. He was on his knee with a ring and the music faded back in and the mountains were beautiful and the air was clean and soft and there was my best friend, on his knee, asking me to be his wife.
He was really nervous because apparently I forgot I was supposed to answer him. I just thought that was a given. I cried and we hugged and cried some more. It was amazing.
Kinda wish I would have done my hair...damn.
(september 13th 2008)
We planned, we saved, we loved, we bought a house, and then we married.
July 18th 2009.
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