Monday, April 8, 2013

The Name....

I remember when I first found out we were pregnant, after all the initial excitement and worry, the next thing in my mind was the name. I actually remember planning names out with my co-workers before “pregnant,” even became a description for myself. There is something of such importance in a name. For the most part, it is with them forever. It can be a powerful thing and it can somewhat go along with defining your child. B and I went back and forth with names my entire pregnancy. I would get random text messages with a few names and a question mark and I would do the same, usually just as unsure myself. One of the names I Loved was, Noah. Did it have anything to do with Ryan Gosling? Ha….uh…Whatever…. you don't know anything…….. Just please don’t tell my husband. B didn’t share my feelings on the name so it became one of the many names that simply flew out the window.

We didn’t find out the sex of our little guy until the day he presented himself, all wailing and what not. And I liked it that way. I think that is the main reason that we never actually agreed on a name. Because we didn’t have to pick one or the other yet,  so It slipped our minds? It just hit me today that we were totally and completely unprepared when we went to the hospital to have him. And my induction was scheduled (not by choice). I don’t know why but I think that is so strange. We had a few boy names picked out, but nothing definite and as far as girls? Who knows? We probably would have wound up with some crazy name spelled backwards or with one of those, “no name,” babies you read about.

The day finally came. I remember my husband saying with a smile so big I could hear it, “baby, it’s a boy.”  I was in love. The nurse quickly followed that with a, “what’s his name?”
Seriously lady? Give me a minute. I was shocked that we had pretty much forgotten to pick one of those. I didn’t answer her at all. Im going to go ahead and assume that my husband must have felt really bad for me after seeing what just happened or maybe the name just fit. He looked at the nurse and said simply, “Noah Ryan.”
And that was it. It fit him so perfectly, and it gave me the biggest smile. I looked down at our fresh, clean (not literally), and innocent baby boy with a fresh new name that was perfect. Perfect for him and us. 

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