Friday, February 1, 2013

Running and I

Running and I have had a strange relationship. I used to love it. I was the wierdo who would actually run in gym class. My teamates would get mad at me during practice because I would lap them during our warm up. Fastforeward a few years out of hs and I pretty much stopped running. I would get into a mode where I would run everyday and then stop a few weeks later. I've always wanted to get that excitement back that came with it when I was younger but I think I've gotten over the fact that it's just not going to happen again. Don't get me wrong I still enjoy it. I just know that I will never be one of those crazy awesome people up at 4:30 for their 800 mile jog. Last year I knew I wanted to get the ball rolling again, especially after having a baby. My goal was to sign up for a few 5k's and then I would obviously have to start running regularly to train right? Ha!

My sister and I signed up for the Hot Chocolate 5k about 3 months in advance. Set up a whole routine and planned out how we would train. A weeks before the race we had ran two miles. As in one mile monday and one mile wednesday. Ha-ha. We are awesome. However, I had so much fun at the race. Was it horrible? Yes. Did I feel like I was going to pass out and die? Yep. BUT, I am one of those annoying competative people, I can't even help it. Im pretty sure if my femur popped out I still wouldn't let anyone see me walk. So I did it without stopping at all. And hey, I was pretty proud of myself considering I hadn't worked out regularly since I had my son about 10 months prior.

A few weeks later we decided to do yet another 5K. So we planned all our wonderful runs and never did them and went into the second race with even less training, since we are just that cool. This time my husband joined us and I don't think he has ran/run? willingly in a few years. Aren't we all just so ambitious? Or crazy.... But we finished and had a lot of fun. I beat my time from the first race and was much too excited about it.

My goal this year it too get more comfortable with running again. I don't want to dread it beacuse I know I can't handle it. I want to be able to run 3 miles with ease and enjoy it as well.

Hot Chocolate 5k 11/4/2012
34min 36sec

Turkey Day 5k 11/22/2012
33min 50sec

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