Monday, February 25, 2013



Went to a Benefit this weekend, Tourney for Tommy, and pretty much followed/chased Noah around the entire time.

Still living at my parents, but getting excited for our return home soon. We miss daddy and living apart is just dumb. After tomorrow all we have to do it mudd/tape and paint. Then clean and we will be on our way home!

Im nervous about getting Noah back into his crib. It took me 9 months to get him sleeping in there and for the past month he has been sleeping in a bed with me. I don't know if I can go through that again so Im praying for an easy transition for the little guy, and me!

Searching for the perfect dress for my brother and rachael's wedding. She is letting us pick our own dresses but it's proving to be a lot more difficult than I thought. She is going for a slight vintage style. Something blush pink and that will pair well with pearls. I have found plenty of cute dresses but big butt over here doesn't need her junk hanging out. Do they make dresses that cover your butt anymore? seriously..... (omg im getting old)

Stressing over nutrition. Today I read that beans, legumes and grains are bad for you. Like, what? I'm not one to believe anything I read but this specific research had a lot of sorces and many people agreeing with her. Im stressing because how in the hell are we supposed to know what is right!? I mean God gave us beans and grains naturally right? But our body isn't made to digest them? I don't know and I get so stressed because trying to feed my family the best food for them is so important to me and hearing stuff like that just makes me crazy.

Tonight I made Kale chips for dinner. That's all.

Im getting so excited to not only get home, but to re-decorate my house. Holyyy yesssssssss

My little man is just the greatest thing in life. I can not thank God for him enough. And he is just so crazy smart and funny, its too much!

Thankful for my husband. He is such an amazingly hard working man. He works four different jobs for us and never complains. This past week he has worked three of the jobs on top of fixing the house. Daddy of the year.

Thats all, dude, im tired.

XO Steph

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