Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Remember this...


first elevator ride//sleeping on aunt louey//bananas to the face//"i dunno!"//just chillin//little man big bed

{Things that this mommy wants to remember forever 14 months}

We took Noah to play in the snow for the first time this weekend. He loved every second of it. So much that every day since then he brings me his snow boots, knocks on the door and signs “more” over and over again.

His new favorite thing is getting ice with daddy. He carries the ice bucket down the hall with a huge smile and giggles all the way. And oh, that adorable little toddler run.

He loves to pick up heavy things. Anything that looks challenging he will pick it up and carry it around. He even makes little grunting noises and oh my it’s too cute.

He claps for himself after he does anything good.

Dance parties are his favorite. He will point to papas stereo and wait for someone to pick him up so he can push the power button, and when the music starts, so does Noah. He continues to add new moves to his little dance dictionary daily. So far he gets down really low and with bent knees he swings his little arms back and forth with a huge smile on his face. And is newest is stomping his feet while moving in a circle. Aunt Louey started him on these. Love

We have a little tyke slide that my parents brought into their house last week and taught him how to slide down. Since then he has been going up and down the slide non stop all by himself.

He knows the way around the hotel already. He walks right to the elevator and waits for me to let him push the button. And when the doors open he knows exactly where to go.

His animal book is his FAVORITE ever. He will sit there forever turning the pages and belting out animal noises. He can recognize the animals and knows their sound so its pretty impressive. So far he knows Tiger, Lion, bear, monkey, dog, cat, sheep, horse, turtle etc…

Blueberries….its all about the blueberries. The other night we were sitting on the bed with a cup of blueberries and when Noah finished he slid off the bed, ran to the fridge and signed for “more.” I gave him another cup and a ran with a huge smile back to the bed. He did this four times until I told him it was time for bed. When he woke up the next morning and sat up and the first thing he did was sign for “more.” That kid and his blueberries..

Everything is "Uutt OOooooo"

The other night I was trying to get Noah to sleep but he still wanted to play with everyone. Well he made his way off the bed and straight to my brothers room. He knocked on the door screaming, "Bucc" (uncle Buck) as a desperate attempt to be saved from bedtime. When he didn't answer he quickly moved down to Aunt Loueys room and pounded on the door until she opened. Ha!

He loves pickles, beans, any kind of berries, oranges, and avacado.

He can sign for nurse, more, please, and he can say thank you.

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