Tuesday, January 22, 2013


A bit late......story of my life ;) I want to get these goals of mine down on paper or digital internet paper in this case. Anything to hold me accountable and something that I can refrence because I have no memory to speak of. I know that not all of these will get done but I'd like to entertain the idea of it. There is a lot im going to put down but Im just feeling all sorts of motivated at the moment. Tomorrow I may regret this. But anyhow, these are the things I would like to get done/work on/or accomplish this year.

  • Simplify/Organize our home
  • More Date Nights
  • Establish a consistant fitness routine
  • Run 2 5k's
  • Juice more
  • Work on my photography
  • Get out of Debt
  • Take a Vacation
  • Eat as a family at the table
  • Put God first
  • Get back to Church
  • Establish a weekly homemade pizza night
  • Make a quilt for our bed
  • Build a kitchen table
  • Finish all our current renovations
A long list but Im fairly confident in it. I've already started on some of these so that's pretty sweet in my book!

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