Tuesday, January 22, 2013

A letter to myself...........

Dear Stephanie,

Things are getting better for you and your family. Without a doubt, you have been blessed beyond words. This past year has been a rough one but at the same time it has been a year of life lessons and growth. I want to document this so that in the future you have a reminder of all the blessing God has given you despite all the trials. At this point you feel like everything bad in this world has happened to you and your the only one with problems. Well snap out of it because you are not. This past year you have had many financial problems, a job loss, car problems, house problems, and all at the same time as having a baby. It felt like once three things went wrong, then six more problems came your way. After a while nothing surprised you. At the end of the year, all within a week after Christmas you had three deaths in your famillies. It is so easy to get discouraged with all of this. But have a stopped to think of things in a different light? Have you tried looking at what you have and what you have gained? You have learned so much this past year. And guess what? You still have your beautiful, loving and amazing family. You still have your house and your car and food. Each and every month God made sure that you have had just enough for your family, sometimes down to the penny and sometimes more. So you don't have everything you Want and everything that others have. That isn't what matters. Your loved ones have since gone to a greater place and you should find peace in that. Recently B has gotten a new job with a better pay. It may not be enough for you to stay at home yet but trust that God will work things out for you in His time. Stop. slow down. Enjoy your days. Do not wish them away. Love lots and smile, because what you have is what God intended and it is beautiful.


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