Monday, June 17, 2013

Baby picasso

I have had this canvas laying around my house for about a year. I've been meaning to do something with it, anything really. But I just never had time or an idea of what to put on it. So Sunday while my hubbs was sleeping, Noah and I set up shop in the backyard and got all sorts of messy. It was probably a really bad idea on my part but, hey. We ended up with paint all over the patio table and chairs, on our hands and in our hair. What a rookie mom I am in that I left him fully clothed, duh. Eh, nothing that won't wash off.

I'm not sure what I expected but I think I just assumed he would take the brush and stroke some genius onto the canvas. Which he did, however, when he climbed up on the table and kneeled on the painting It threw me off guard. But I think that gave this masterpiece it flare. I started with the big red streak in the middle and that littleman posing next to his work up there did the rest.

I truely do love it. Like, I LOVE it. He was so excited when we hung it up even though you can't tell in this past-my-bedtime photo above. Alll night as I was cleaning up and getting lunches made I would walk past this gift from my littleman and a smile would peel up my face and I couldn't even help it. Because as sad as this is, and strange for an art and photo lover such as myself, this is the first piece that we have ever hung up in our house. Can you believe that? We have lived here for four years! Four.

This small single painting has already brought so much to our little house. And so many smiles. I need to remind myslef to thank that littleman of mine. 


  1. That's a fabulous work of art you have there! We all miss Noah. I know Elinor thinks about him bc every time I say "guess who's coming!" she says "NOAH!!!", only to find out it's not. Then of course, I feel terrible and miss the little guy all over again... She also occasionally declares her intention of not sharing a particular toy with Noah, lol. "no! NO! share bear Noah!" Ok Ells, he's not going to pop over from IL and take your toy- lol!

    1. Aw that is adorable! Noah still says Elinor's name out of nowhere sometimes. Most of the time it is when we pull into someone's driveway he screams, "Elnor!" Very sad but I'm glad he is still thinking of her. I hope you guys are doing great over there!!

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