Friday, June 14, 2013

Life lately...

Life....lately its been all about being outside, amazing summery salads, and firetrucks.

1) My dad's surgery went very well. It was a long day for him and my family as well, but God was with us the entire time, putting a calm in the air. The Dr. Is certain that he was able to remove all the cancer and at this point it has not spread! Praise God. He is still off of work and slowly recovering. We are all just completely grateful.

2) Noah and I got to watch daddy drive the fire engine for the memorial day parade we had in town. And he could have played in their new engine all day. He had too much fun. That little boy absolutly loves fire trucks. And I cant imagine the joy Brandon feels when he sees him get so excited about his own passion. Nothing like it. I feel a second generation coming on :)

3) Our days consist of this....gardening, baseball, basketball, baby pool, sprinklers, cars, books, trucks, baking, matching games, counting to 3, and too many more little boy activities. We love it.

4) Our totally awesome babysitter and family has moved away :(  I had been dreading this for the past few months and it finally had to come. I am incredibly thankful for the time we had with them and for the first real friendship that Noah made with their sweet little girl. The hardest thing is that they don't really understand they will not be together anymore and it breaks my heart. But like I said, I am thankful for all the many months that I did not have to worry for a second that my baby was taken care of. That right there is a beautiful gift to a mother. We are in transition mode right now (day 2) and the mornings so far have been rough. I had to peel his hands off me today so that I could leave. But not 5 minutes later my sitter reassured me that he was fine. And I know everything will be ok.

1 comment:

  1. Aw! I'm only just catching up on your blog now- I'm glad thing went well with your dad. We will be praying!
